MBC, the Korean Television, is one of our international partners and the latest activity of our international department is establishing artistic and commercial office in Stockholm, Sweden.
Our artistic experiences include; Cooperating with Iranian industrial agencies such as 8 banks, oil and gas companies, car manufacturing companies and also all the ministries and organizations.
We are always close to our customers to support them in organizing their seminars, ceremonies, film making and advertising.
Holding happy celebrations for companies
Holding happy celebrations for organs and ministries
Holding seminars, congresses and conferences
Holding festivals
Holding inauguration and opening ceremonies
Holding memorials of martyrs and Quranic Competitions
Producing and broadcasting TV programs
Helicopter shot film making
Industrial and advertising film making
Producing and broadcasting industrial teasers and video music
Producing and broadcasting cultural and religious teasers and video music
Producing and broadcasting motion graphic and animation
Digital decoration
Video recording and coverage
Musical composition and recording studio
Our goal in Nasim Sabz Tasvir is to help you to realize your short and long term aim in below areas:
1. Filmmaking and video advertisements including teaser, clips, documentation, motion graphic, animation, telefilm, TV programs, etc.
2. Professional organization of seminars, ceremonies, inaugurations, etc.
3. Your other needed advertisements
Since after twenty years of experiences, we honor to be recognized as the greatest and most thorough organizer of seminars and ceremonies in Iran
We organize your seminars with highest accuracy, velocity and sensitivity.
Due to paramount occupations of managers and experts of an organization for conducting and leading their daily and macro affairs, sometimes, there is no enough opportunity to create an advertising idea which can improve efficiency and velocity of progress.
Expert teams and idea making think-tank in Nasim Sabz Tasvir easily provide you with a 20-year media and artistic experience, hold tens of hours analytical and specialized meetings to help you more success and are honored to represent their ideas.
Obviously, we are not as specialized as you in works and services provided by you to the society; however, based on below reasons, we honestly announce that we are capable to plan and design an attractive and excellent ceremony for you:
Holding 462 ceremonies, internal and national seminars and religious forums since in 1397 (March 20, 2018)
Holding 720 glorious celebrations for both public and private companies in different national and religious occasions in 1397
Organizing 48 ceremonies and celebration and representing banks’ prizes
Holding 23 special seminars for Presidency
Organizing the biggest festival in Iran within past 30 years by Nasim Sabz Tasvir titled “South Korean Cultural Festival in Iran”, Isfahan (2016)
Organizing 29 glorious opening and inauguration ceremonies in Iran till the end of 1396
Designing and executing biggest digital decoration in Heads of State Conference hall (220sqm) for Global Holy Quran Competition, 2015
So, by the help of Almighty God, we can have a comprehensive and thorough design for you.
How would be your concern, stress and follow-up, if you have an international seminar, or big national celebration or global festival?
Confide your ceremony to us and rest comfortably and address to your other organizations occupations!
In the night before ceremony, turn off the lamps at 9:00p.m and sleep calmly.
By the support of God, all steps and components of your ceremony are performing by experienced team of Nasim Sabz Tasvir